Mocca-Obere, 0.9 dl - FLOW Perforated weiss


Mokka cup flow was made of high quality white Fine China porcelain. Fine China porcelain is durable and designed for daily use in operation. The volume of the cup (90 ml) is calculated to the brim. Mokka cup flow is suitable for industrial dishwasher and microwave.
90 ml
Product typ
Hot Drinks
Product category
U-Shape, With groove or embossing
Hot drinks
White Cream
Dishwasher safe Microwave safe
Additional information
The determined product volume is total, calculated to the edge.

Mokka cup flow was made of high quality white Fine China porcelain. Fine China porcelain is durable and designed for daily use in operation. The volume of the cup (90 ml) is calculated to the brim. Mokka cup flow is suitable for industrial dishwasher and microwave.

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